Preparing Your Home for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s: A Caregiver’s Guideإعداد منزلك لمن تحب واحد مع مرض الزهايمر: دليل الرعاية
Alzheimer’s disease affects about 5.4 million Americans , about 5.2 million of which are 65 and older. It can be your grandparent, your cousin, your sibling or even your parent who faces the diagnosis. Eventually, those with Alzheimer’s require round-the-clock care, and for many families, that means taking the loved one into their own home. Alzheimer’s disease has unique symptoms and traits , so it’s likely that your home will need some modifications in order to create the best environment for your loved one. This guide will cover all the adjustments you should consider making room by room, with tips on creating both the safest surroundings and the most secure environment. Many of them are simple enough to complete on your own, but others may require the skills of a trained professional to ensure the safest result. Keep in mind that every home and instance of Alzheimer’s disease is different, and needs will vary from family to family. Always consult your doctor about y...